Friday, August 4, 2017

Yummies for Happy Tummies!

Well, I have another blog that I've had for several years over on Wordpress, but after losing my last laptop when it finally gave up the ghost after 6 years (it was a gaming and media ASUS computer and a very nice size laptop, even though it was heavy), it took some time before I got a new laptop (a gift, actually). It isn't a fancy schmancy piece of tech like the last one. It does, however, get the job done. At a slower pace. Much slower. To the point that my blog on Wordpress won't let me blog. I can get to the page to blog, but it just sits there, gears going, as it says "Loading...." but never loads. Not sure if it is the website or my laptop. I have tried a number of times over the last several weeks. So here I am. Back to Blogger. I did have a Blogger nearly 10 years ago. Loaded some song lyrics I wrote onto it. Ahhh, that was definitely another time. Time I'd much prefer to not remember. But I digress...

Those who have been following me at all (whether you comment or just visit, I don't know and really, I only want you to enjoy my site and either glean information or learn a delicious new recipe while learning a new homesteading skill! It's actually enjoyable! If you want to see my posts from Wordpress with what I have there, please visit here. Too bad I can't post there. Hopefully, though, you will enjoy this one!

I've posted my Overnight Chia Oatmeal recipes on more than one occasion, and I'm sharing a new one; one that I haven't seen anywhere online. I embarked on a healthy lifestyle several years ago as many of you know which, sadly, was partly due to increasing food intolerances and full blown allergies (goodbye nightshade foods, soy, gluten, tree nuts, pork, and now beef!) and partly I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time! Now THIS baby that I put together? Let's just say I have read Chris Beat Cancer and the delicious looking power oat breakfast so many times! It has a lot more superfood seeds than my tummy can handle, but a little goes a long way in helping my digestive system happy. Check Chris' site out. For those who are very active and into clean, healthy eating, you will be very pleased!

For anyone who loves tropical foods, drinks and smoothies, particularly Pina Colada, have I got a recipe for you! I had some fresh pineapple already cut up and frozen, so that made things a bit easier! If you have never been a big oatmeal fan, there's a great chance you'll change your mind after trying this!

PiƱa Colada Overnight Oatmeal
(serves 2 per jar)


*1/2 C old fashioned rolled oats (gluten free for those who are on gluten free diets)
*1 Tblsp. Chia Seeds
*1 1/2 Tblsps. Hemp Seeds
*1 Tblsp. Ground Flax Seeds (optional, for those who can tolerate)
*1/4 C Greek Yogurt (organic grass fed; Stonyfield is a good brand)
*1/2 C Milk (fresh raw cow, goat, coconut, almond, or whatever healthy milk you use...steer clear of CAFO stuff)
*1 Tblsp. Unsulphured Molasses (double the potassium and magnesium than
*1/4 C Pineapple
*2 Tblsp. Coconut (shredded or coconut chips; look for one that is strictly coconut, no fillers or preservatives)

1. With a 10 or 12 ounce glass jar or 2 (Mason jars work fantastic), add oats, chia seeds, hemp seeds and flax seeds (if using). Give a quick shake to combine.
2. Add yogurt, milk and molasses, seal the jars and shake vigorously. You'll have to scrape and stir a little more to combine the molasses since it likes to stick to the bottom.
3. Add the pineapple and coconut, give a little stir, scraping from the bottom, then seal and shake vigorously once more to make sure it is well combined. Place in refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.

*Yes, take a taste before you put them in the'll be pleasantly surprised! I have some blackberries I am going to use with coconut later in the weekend. Who'da thunk that this girl who used to detest coconut would grow up to love it so much? It is so good and extremely healthy!


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